If you are not engaged with digital signage on a regular basis, it might surprise you when you turn around one day and really take in the different advertising that is surrounding you. It's found a common place in our environment that when a company isn't taking advantage of the latest product, they become lost in the background. Just take a look at Times Square or the Las Vegas strip.
Evolution of technology takes new steps forward every day. In just five years, motion graphics, visual effects and 3D animation are a few marketing advances that have become leading tools for digital content production and audience engagement. Digital content is the leading source of ad spending and will grow to 29.6 billion dollars by 2024. It's not a brand new phenomenon, and it's definitely not leaving any time soon, but how did digital signage even begin?

Advertising is about pushing boundaries to engage customers with the best possible vehicle for information. Businesses want to use the most efficient system to make sure their return-on-investment outweighs the cost of using the best upgrade. At one point that upgrade was a 50 square foot painted poster. Now, it's an 8K, 8,000 square foot digital display with motion graphics and 3D-animated content commanding attention. Digital signage displays are advancing each year, so the question is, are staying up with the times?