Traditional Digital Signage vs. Experiential Content

May 8, 2024 at 8:49 AM / by Brianna Morley posted in Digital Signage, Digital Signage Content, Forced Perspective, Intentional Content, Immersive Environments


In recent years, technology has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we receive information. We’re now surrounded by eye-catching displays competing for our attention in various spaces, such as stores, airports, and even city streets. However, within the world of digital signage, a new way to share your message is emerging: experiential LED content. While it may seem like “digital signage content” is a general term to refer to digitally produced content, there are some factors that differentiate traditional digital signage from experiential content. Let’s dive into what some key differences are between these types of content.

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The Intent of Your Content: Balancing Art & Information on Digital Signage

May 11, 2023 at 9:42 AM / by Brianna Morley posted in General, Digital Signage, Video Walls, Digital Signage Content, Intentional Content


Digital signage has come a long way from its early days as a simple way to display information. While information and advertising messages were the main use cases in the past, today's digital displays are all about experiences and WOW-factor content. Whether it's a museum exhibit, a trade show booth, or a retail store, creating memorable moments on digital displays can help businesses and organizations stand out and leave a lasting impression on their customers. With the rise of social media and the desire for Instagrammable moments, content has become the focus, rather than an afterthought.

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3D WOW-Factor Casino Triggered Jackpot Celebrations

January 23, 2023 at 10:18 AM / by Brianna Morley posted in Digital Signage, Video Walls, LED Displays, Animation, Intentional Content



JACKPOT! You won!

The feeling of joy that comes with winning a jackpot is hard to beat - it is an incredible experience that can change someone’s life in the blink of an eye. However, a major objective casinos face is building excitement when guests hit that sought after jackpot. 

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