6 Reasons to Switch from Print to Digital Signage

January 30, 2018 at 11:02 AM / by Jake Berg

As time goes by, technology continues to advance. With the advent of the digital age, more and more entities are turning to the Internet to transact business. With that being said, will it also be feasible to transfer to digital format in terms of marketing products and services? Studies have shown that about 80% of entities who have used digital signage marketing have experienced at least a 33% increase in sales compared to what they have earned using old fashioned or conventional marketing. There is no denying the fact that switching to digital signage is beneficial to any business, but to what extent?

In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of digital signage and the reasons why you should switch to it as soon as possible:

  1. It has an impressive ROI. Properly executed digital signage can provide your customers with a more valuable and memorable interaction with your business or brand. The emergence of energy efficient digital displays as well as the opportunity for more dynamic advertisement through the use of interactive systems and animated video content are some of the top reasons why digital signage is an excellent option for marketing. Remember that the first step of any marketing campaign is to clearly define your goals so be sure to determine your goals before you begin. Digital Signage Content Return On Investment ROI.jpg
  2. It is more efficient. The idea of having the opportunity to change new content with just the click of a button is gold. Imagine changing a printed poster or billboard in the middle of the highway and compare it to changing the content of a digital billboard by logging into a platform and uploading a file. The discrepancy of cost and time spent is bar none against the printed option so there’s no argument here.  
  3. It is more effective. Nowadays, interaction with potential customers is important for advertisement success. Studies show that the average consumer is exposed to up to 10,000 brand messages each day. Less than 100 of them make it past our attention wall each day. When putting up digital signage content, a higher percentage of people will initially pay attention and be attracted to it. That increased percentage of engagement comes with a high percentage of people who will actually buy or use the products and services the signage is offering. After all, involvement and brand recognition for the target audience has transcended and evolved into more interactions to create engagements. This is why digital signage is effective as it works fully with these kinds of arrangements.                                                                                                                                                           You might also like: Digital Signage Content - Motion is More Effective than  Static
  4. It reduces your environmental footprint. Digital signage can last for years and content can easily be changed constantly without removing the display. For this reason, a large portion of savings of the use of raw materials creates a smaller contribution to the environmental footprint. This is in contrast with printed posters or billboard advertisements where replacing old content with new content requires physical removal and disposal creating large amounts of waste.
  5. It can provide better profit margins. As mentioned, digital signage can provide more flexibility with an easier change of content on a digital billboard or signage display. Digital content is typically cheaper to produce than printing multiple copies of a poster advertisement to be displayed in various locations. Digital signage content can be re-formatted for various display sizes, saving time and money on printing costs. After all, it's just a digital file that can be transferred over the internet. Printed poster ads need someone to physically install them in all locations, costing more money.
  6. The ability to display animated video content. The combination of bright colors and motion make digital signage content hard to ignore. Animated digital content consistently attracts 4x to 6x the number of viewers compared to static posters. Additionally, audiences who view video are nearly 2x more likely to take action. Motion content is much more dynamic than printed posters or static billboards.

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A recent study conducted by Intel at several casinos in Ontario, Canada, compared static signs and digital ads that prompted customers to go to the customer service desk and receive a free tote bag. One location displayed static signs while two had digital screens. Only six people asked for a tote bag in the location with the static sign, while a combined total of 610 people asked for totes in the locations with digital signs, a 100x increase!

Though digital signage requires a bigger initial investment compared to printed ads, the long term benefits and possible savings are almost endless. It is strongly suggested to consider this for any entity trying to bring in more sales and increase engagements.


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Jake Berg

Written by Jake Berg